出處,轉貼已得到原作者同意 http://blog.roodo.com/kafka17/archives/3105765.html 這篇短文談的是筆者長年學習英語的經驗,兼及若干應付英文檢定的技巧,希望對汲汲於英語學習的朋友能有些幫助。學習得穩紮穩打,讀者應以日常學習方法為主,應試技巧為輔,畢竟技巧只能救急,不能治本。想求速成的讀者,自可參閱坊間應試大全,也就不必費心往下讀了。 The purpose of this essay is to share with the reader my personal experience in learning English, as well as several tips on taking English proficiency tests. It should be noted that learning of any kind is a long-term process requiring devotion and hard work and that those who wish to have their test scores greatly improved in a short time are advised to seek their answers elsewhere. There is nothing for them in the following paragraphs. 孔仲尼老先 生說:「吾道一以貫之」,今天談英語學習,姑且把他老人家這話改一改,改成「英語學習一以貫之」。我的看法是,英語聽、說、讀、寫四項技能,聽、讀為先, 而聽、讀兩者,又以讀為要。閱讀能力的培養,包含記誦個別單字,以及連字而成句而成篇,推敲文章理路、思辨書籍論述。換句話說,「讀」包含兩個層次。第一 層是熟悉單字的發音、字意,明白英語的句法。第二層牽涉到讀者的邏輯推理、知識水平與文化素養,這就不只是「英語」的問題了。加強英語閱讀能力的同時,應 善用母語優勢,透過母語多方吸收新知、訓練邏輯思維,如此便能收事半功倍之效。閱讀能力有成,其餘能力也會相應提升。 An assumption informs my learning experience. Of the four crucial skills in language...