The purpose of this essay is to share with the reader my personal experience in learning English, as well as several tips on taking English proficiency tests. It should be noted that learning of any kind is a long-term process requiring devotion and hard work and that those who wish to have their test scores greatly improved in a short time are advised to seek their answers elsewhere. There is nothing for them in the following paragraphs.
孔仲尼老先 生說:「吾道一以貫之」,今天談英語學習,姑且把他老人家這話改一改,改成「英語學習一以貫之」。我的看法是,英語聽、說、讀、寫四項技能,聽、讀為先, 而聽、讀兩者,又以讀為要。閱讀能力的培養,包含記誦個別單字,以及連字而成句而成篇,推敲文章理路、思辨書籍論述。換句話說,「讀」包含兩個層次。第一 層是熟悉單字的發音、字意,明白英語的句法。第二層牽涉到讀者的邏輯推理、知識水平與文化素養,這就不只是「英語」的問題了。加強英語閱讀能力的同時,應 善用母語優勢,透過母語多方吸收新知、訓練邏輯思維,如此便能收事半功倍之效。閱讀能力有成,其餘能力也會相應提升。
An assumption informs my learning experience. Of the four crucial skills in language learning, those of listening and reading ought to be given priority over those of speaking and writing (for the simple reason that one can hardly be expected to speak fluently or write cogently and coherently before one has acquired a large amount of vocabulary and knowledge through extensive reading and listening of authentic materials). Moreover, concerning listening and reading skills, the latter plays a more significant role in learning languages. To improve one's reading skills, thereby improving the other three major skills in the English language especially, one has to familiarize oneself with English grammar and with the sound and meanings of as many vocabulary words as possible. Ultimately, one should be able to understand any given text intended for general readership. In addition to vocabulary and grammar, achieving such an understanding also demands logistic training, intellectual maturity, cultural literacy, etc., all of which are better cultivated through the combined benefits of one's first and second languages, i.e. Chinese and English.
國 內外英語檢定名目繁多,經成功大學採用為畢業門檻的,有全民英檢(GEPT)、多益 (TOEIC)、托福(TOEFL)、雅思(IELTS) 四種。全民英檢也好,多益也罷,甚至是留學海外的語言考試,與其花時間個別準備,不如以不變應萬變,打好聽、說、讀、寫的根柢就是了。
There are many English proficiency tests available in Taiwan, and, among these tests, GEPT, TOEIC, TOEFL, and IELTS are adopted by National Cheng Kung University as graduation requirements for undergraduate students. I would suggest that those who wish to take any of these four tests, rather than prepare for specific tests, spend their time improving their basic skills in English (listening, speaking, reading, and writing).
有了穩固的根柢,參加英語檢定便有九 成勝算。剩下的一成,在於臨試不亂。考聽力的時候,求其大意即可。只要掌握關鍵字句,就算聽漏了些訊息,也沒有關係。至於閱讀,宜先看清題目,再從文章中 尋求答案。閱讀文章,應辨明其主旨所在。遇有生難字詞,可從文脈逆推其意。該字若與文旨無涉,不妨略過。口說和寫作,端看平時準備。準備得夠充分,自然是 兵來將擋、水來土掩。
To pass or score with satisfactory achievement in the aforementioned tests, one should acquire, first and foremost, solid skills in English. Then, it would help if one is familiar with some tips on test-taking. For listening comprehension, one only needs to listen for key words and phrases. As for reading comprehension, one would do better by reading the questions first and then the article. When reading the article, one should look for its thesis statement and topic sentences and be prepared to guess the meanings of any unfamiliar words from the context. If the difficult words do not seem to affect one's understanding of the whole article, it is safe to ignore them altogether. Unfortunately, I can come up with no advice for those who are going to take the speaking and writing sections of the proficiency tests, but to work hard in advance and have fun in the tests.
This essay imparts practically nothing new about learning English. But, who knows, the most conventional way to learn English may prove to be the most effective one.